Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My Very Good Year

My Very Good Year  
(To tune of “It Was A Very Good Year”)

When I was 17
It was a very good year.
I left school, saw the world,
slept in deserts, hunted pearls,
I sought what was true
and what the world really knew.
I saw the psychedelic glean,
when I was 17.

When I was 21
It was a very good year.
I looked into the stars,
drank in all the right bars,
I drove too fast in my car.
I fell too fast and too far,
I had girls and knew everyone,
when I was 21.

When I was 31,
it was a very rough year.
Losing gait, lost my girl,
moving out in a whirl.
What became of that love?
Thundering showers from above.
So alone and with no one,
when I was 31.

But now I’m 32
and its a very good year.
Lost some weight, got new parts,
walking tall, winning hearts,
I can see it so clear,
looking forward, not rear.
A new state, a new you,
when I was 32.

And though my life is not so short,
I’m in the prime of my years.
And now I can see my life
as vintage wine from fine old kegs,
from the brim to the dregs,
it pours so sweet and clear,
it is a very good year.